What does a perfect date look like, and what does it take to be perfect?
Going into dates is exciting and fun. Meeting new people, listening to stories, comparing experiences is entertaining. Perfect dates make you feel like fairytales exist, and you are part of one of them.

What does a perfect date look like?

The perfect date needs only two people on it. The perfection starts with the sparkle in between two people; other things are extras.
However, you can do a lot of things on a date to make it look unique and perfect.

Go to the places that have a pretty beautiful view. Some city lights, nature or the sea, or sunsets, skyline glittered with stars, are some of the perfect looks that can make your date turn into a perfect one.
If you decide to go out for dinner, go to a fancy place.
The ones that make you feel fancy, not necessarily an expensive one.

If you want a super romantic date, you can bring a meal to the places where you can have a great view. Your partner will love that.
You can also visit museums, learn about the culture of your city, or any city. Travel somewhere that you have not been before, explore new places.

What does a perfect date look like?

A perfect date makes you feel perfection in the air. Dating is a way of knowing people in a better way. Going out on dates reduces stress, and can make you feel better.
Don’t seek for a perfect date, an ideal location, or an ideal dressing code.

Look after people that can make you feel like you have the perfect date you ever been to.
Seek for people that bring happiness instead of food, or any luxury present.
Happiness comes along with a life partner, a dating partner, your partner.

Bring your stories with you, tell jokes, be more a friend than a stranger. A perfect date is more like an ideal conversation than a perfect place. A perfect connection is better than an excellent view.

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