The process of stressing about what questions to ask on the first date can become a problem and lead to feeling uncomfortable and insecure, especially if you met online. Still we are going through that process with some tips and questions.

Is there something unique about you?

Here comes the part when you will find yourself telling about the craziest things you like and the ones that made you who you are today. Asking this question on a first date will make your partner think deeper about himself/ herself. 

It makes you look smart and someone great to date. 

What are some random facts about you? 

This question leads to some exciting stories. Funny ones, attractive ones. 

You will not have to wait for seven dates to realize facts about your partner; you will discuss them together. 

a boy and a girl feeling comfortable

What is something you wish you were good at, but you are not? 

This leads to dreams. It’s a question that makes your partner open his heart and tell about what he always wanted but for some reason couldn’t. 

It is a delicate topic to talk about and a smart question to be asked. 

Play the ” would you rather.. ” game: 

“Would you rather..?” question game is good to go, especially on the first dates. 

You can find out what your partner likes or dislikes more pleasingly.  

It won’t be boring, and both of you will enjoy playing this game. 

A couple hugging

Are you good at telling jokes? 

The conversation needs to have some fun, extra fun on it. 

Asking your partner, “are you good at telling jokes?” instead of ” do you know any good jokes?”, saves you. Not everyone is good at it, and even if they are good at telling jokes, they might be shy. But speaking on how bad or good he or she is at telling jokes can lead to another good topic conversation. 

What’s your favorite place on earth? 

Ask your partner if they have a favorite vacation destination. This is the part when you find out about their lifestyle. The best part of this is that maybe your partner will share with you a secret place they go when they feel like they need to get out of this world, and that is somehow cute and romantic.

Who are the special people in your life is an excellent question to ask on the first date! 

This is a question you figure a lot from a person. This question leads to significant and meaningful stories. An excellent way to see someone’s character is to pay attention to how they talk about other people. It is beautiful to see someone talk about someone they love, and they become softer and gentler and more emotional.

Start your Hello trip!

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