Top questions to ask your partner during COVID-19, so your conversation keeps going.
Being indoors has already made its impact on us. We refuse to accept it, but we are at the edge of a massive mental breakdown. With “we” I refer to people that love to go outside and are hating this quarantine situation.

How to avoid awkward conversations with your partner

Everyone is afraid of letting themselves share opinions and thoughts during this pandemic time.
This is happening because the feeling that we might get awkward at any subject brings up an atmosphere that equals with the fear of expressing our thoughts.
However, you should always feel confident with yourself and never let this feeling of the fear win against you.

Everything that you have to say is important and valued.
If you feel like you need something to start a conversation, or to make it last longer, then probably you should start asking questions.
Sometimes asking someone different things might get complicated and pretty awkward. So be careful about what you ask your partner.

Top questions to ask your partner during COVID-19

Knowing your partner, you can ask any questions. Sometimes you can’t remember the right question, or you need a new topic to talk about.
Here are top questions to ask your partner during COVID-19:

  1. From all the songs you have heard so far, sing a part of the lyrics that has your heart.
  2. Who is the first person that comes to your mind when you close your eyes?
  3. If you could choose to have any gifted talent, which one would you choose?
  4. Is there any celebrity that would make you cry at their concert?
  5. Which is the worst feeling you have experienced so far?
  6. What is something that never happened to you, but you are afraid of it?
  7. What is something that you always wanted to learn, but you never did, or never mentioned?
  8. The world has seven miracles, which is the first miracle that came to your mind?
  9. If you were a wizard, what are the three first spells you would do?
  10. From the movies you saw, choose one of them to be the story of your life.

These are some new topics to talk about with your partner during these days.
Take care and be kind to one another; it is not easy for anyone.

Start your Hello trip!

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