Some people are very good at texting, and it is awe-inspiring.
Many guys have asked themselves how to impress a girl while chatting. Some people find it difficult to impress others by talking in person, even worse, texting online. 

Here are some tips you can find useful while trying to impress a girl by chatting: 

Pick an interesting topic: 

Come on, give yourself a try. You can find an item that is not that common. Try to make it look as natural as it can. Use this opportunity to get to know her more. Don’t stay too long talking about the same topic. Changing topics makes her stay chatting with you; she will be curious about what is coming next. 

Use stickers or Emojis: 

When feeling that the conversation has become somehow awkward, stickers and emojis are your lifesavers. Most of the applications provide funny stickers and emojis that you can use in any situation. They make the conversation look more attractive and ongoing. But keep this in mind: don’t use them too much. 

Tell her jokes: 

Making her laugh must be a goal. If you are natural at telling jokes and being funny, then congratulation,s we have a winner. But if you are not a funny person, try not to force it. It can be seen, and she can tell it immediately. The conversation might come to an ugly end if you force yourself to be someone you are not.

Impressing a girl while chatting can lead to a lot of things

Tell her your story: 

Okay, girls love it when you tell something about your life. Also, telling her a bit of your daily life will make her focus on you.

Send her videos of a ride or your view, it will make her part of your life, and you will be part of hers. 

No boring messages: 

Avoid the common questions that have been over asked, such as ” where are you?”, ” What are you doing?”. 

Besides being boring, you are being annoying, and she might feel like she already has new commitment towards you. Please make sure you want them before asking that and also make sure she wants that too. 

Be there for her: 

Girls may be the worst texters in the whole world, but when they feel like texting, they want to have someone on the other side that is reading and understanding.

Be there for her at this point, and she will remember that for a very long time. 

A boy impresses a girl

Ask her for her opinions: 

Asking a girl for her advice makes her feel like she is someone you trust because they don’t think the same way as men

Considering her as someone you trust will impress her. 

She wants to have this kind of feeling that brings coziness into the conversation.

Start your Hello trip!

Hello on iPhone Hello on Android