She is a goal to you, and you have to show up as much attractive as it is possible to be the gravity guy.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand how to attract women and how to make them to like you, sometimes as much as you try as ugly, the situation gets, you want to avoid that.

You want to be the gravity guy in the room you’re walking into so women can fall into you. 

Women want to date someone that is desired and desirable by everyone, but what makes him even more desirable is for him to know that he is desirable and acts so. 

Follow up to some tips and tricks to make her fall at your feet: 

A man and a woman hugging in the dark - how to be the gravity guy

Confidence is the key:

Work on yourself, convince yourself to see yourself in the way you want women to see you. 

Get out of your comfort zone!

There is no such code as being fat or thin, wearing black or colored. It is all about what you told your brain before entering into a room, that confidence must reflect on others.

The appearance of the gravity guy:

When a man takes time to invest in his appearance, women smell it, see it, and love it. 

Remember, knowing how to wear clothes, you give others the idea that you got your “stuff” together.

A man that knows how to dress has good taste in everything, and women like to feel like their man has good taste in women too. 

Be passionate:

Most women seek a person that loves deep conversations. That person that splits passion into his words not only talks.

Women are lovers, and if she sees your passion side, you dragged her into your gravity without her knowing.

A women hiding behind the back- how to be the gravity guy

Walk with confidence:

Okay, this is important. You have to stand straight up. 

Attention to this and make it a reminder to your brain: chin up, shoulders back, make eye contact, and smile.

It shows that you are a tough person, you have a strong attitude and gives a sense of stability as the gravity guy should be!

Watch out your conversation:

We talked about The Power Of Conversation , and everyone is attracted by positive people, people that share the good vibe that somehow influences theirs, especially women look closely at this. 

Don’t talk about your flows or the things you are not good at.

Keep up your qualities when attracting women. 

Name your call:

Call it a date! If you’re going out together and you want it to be a date.

Tell her a time that she’d expect your call but never miss that call. 

Tell her you’re busy but also show that you are making time for her. Let her know she will love it.

Gravity guy has a sense of humor:

Yes, please! 
Women love to stay around someone that can make them laugh.

We are not talking about telling jokes all the time, that is a red flag, just let yourself from time to time to be positive in your sayings and make a beautiful pickup line “joke” to go through your conversation.

Make the first move:

As talked on What To Do On The First Date After Meeting Online You will understand when she will be into you, and only then you should feel like making the first move, never try to do it if you feel like she is not into you.
She won’t make the first move, but she will expect you to do it, and if you are late on this, she will stop wanting it.

Start your Hello trip!

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