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Stages Of A Breakup

Stages Of A Breakup

Stages of a breakup are the ones that can either make you stronger for your future single or worsen the situation. It is essential to know that breakups happen for a reason, and that is not happiness.  People will forever live with the fear of not being a match with their partners forever. Nobody can...

The Scars A Relationship Leaves Behind

The Scars A Relationship Leaves Behind

The scars a relationship leaves behind are not visible, but they can be felt. A relationship can affect your life, whether you like it or not. It does not matter how much you want to forget or to go back to a relationship, and it still leaves scars. The scars a relationship leaves behind that...

To Kiss Or Not To Kiss After The Lockdown?

To Kiss Or Not To Kiss After The Lockdown?

To kiss or not to kiss after the lockdown? The world has gone wild, and people do not like it. Whatever is happening, 2020 seems to be that one year that it never stops surprising us. Everything that happened has been affecting us in such various parts. Our lives haven’t been the same after the...

Who Apologizes First In a Relationship?

Who Apologizes First In a Relationship?

Who apologizes first in a relationship, and why is that something we should discourse? Disagreements happen in every kind of relationship, and most of the cases, they end up with a fight. After a fight, some people find it hard to apologize even if they know it was their fault. Relationships go through many stages...

How Ready Are You To Start Dating Again?

How Ready Are You To Start Dating Again?

How ready are you to start dating again after the lockdown?Mentally all of us want to go out and have all the time we missed. How is it going to be now after the lockdown? Keeping in mind that before we go on and live our lives as nothing happened, we must tell ourselves that something...

Toxic Relationships Are Bad For You

Toxic Relationships Are Bad For You

Toxic relationships are bad for you and your future. If you are experiencing a hard time in your relationship, figure out where it is coming and if it will end. Every relationship has ups and downs, but sometimes some of them are toxic and extraordinarily awful. People that spread negative energy around you are not...

Types of Dating

Types of Dating

Types of dating – which one of them are you? You date someone you have interests in. You want to know their lifestyle and the way to learn about that is going into dates. Even though dating means knowing more for that person, it sometimes ends with a romantic or sexual night. There are more than only one...

Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough Couples Do

Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough Couples Do

Tough times don’t last, tough couples do – repeat this to yourself every time you argue with your lover.Don’t you ever underestimate the power of your partner to make your world shatter? Every little fight that can occur in your relationship can shake your ground. You have to know how to put things in order...

Dating During Coronavirus

Dating During Coronavirus

Dating during Coronavirus is one of the things that we have put at the end of our to-do list. Everybody is panicking, and this situation is becoming scary.  All around the world, people have been self-isolated, waiting for things to turn out better. What happens to people we were about to meet this March?What happens when we...

No Quarantine Can Prison A Love Story

No Quarantine Can Prison A Love Story

No quarantine can prison a love story, and I know this for sure. Many of us have been locked in our houses, wondering what will happen to us. When will all of this go back to normality? Do we deserve this because we have been treating mother earth in the worst way possible? In the beginning, I thought...