The COVID-19 masquerade ball isn’t as fancy as other masquerade balls we have been used to seeing. 
A masquerade ball is that one party you attend well dressed up, with a mask that covers all of your face, or only a part of it. 
So here we are, globally attending a masquerade ball, that we didn’t plan to attend.
Everyone is wearing a mask that covers half of their faces, gloves. Nothing extra or fancy, but everyone is trying to keep themselves protected as much as it is possible. 
Not much as a masquerade ball, huh? 

COVID-19 Awareness  

A lot of people have been infected, and unfortunately, many of them have lost their lives. 
The pain that comes along with the fear of what the news will tell us the next day, or if one of us will get infected is very real. 
Being part of this pandemic situation has made us all act up in different ways. 
It has woken up the paranoiac part while dealing with the changes we were not prepared for. 

 What is left to do? 

Wear your mask every time you have to go out. Pay attention to the part “you have to go out,” and go out only if you have to. Stay close to your family and keep them safe while you are safe on your own. Going outside only because you feel bored is not safe. This is a situation that all of us have to go through, and we will make it together. 

The COVID-19 Masquerade Ball

If only it were a masquerade ball!
We all know it looks nothing like a masquerade ball, except we are all wearing masks. 
The funny part, or the irony here, is that all of us are wearing the same masks, and there is not a single difference if you are rich or poor. This virus does not have any preferences, or neither does it ignore people. No matter their financial status or their background. 

Since we are all wearing masks, lets imagine we are having a masquerade ball.
We have all received our invitation to this masquerade ball that has a contagious disease, and we are globally participating in it. 
This is that one Cinderella masquerade ball that does not include any magical thing at midnight; this time, we don’t know when it will end. The sad part is that Cinderella wanted it to last, and we want it to end as soon as possible. 

We have to pay attention to the given instructions and follow them during this pandemic time. Wear your mask and make it look like you are going to that masquerade ball, don’t be afraid of it.
Just be careful and stay safe.

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