People you meet once in a lifetime are people you should keep by your side. 
Everyone you will meet in your life will leave something behind. If not feelings, they will leave memories. And memories are also remembering their face, smell, and the melody of their voice. 

 Although, there are people that leave tracks behind and are part of your “forever” time. 
There are different kinds of people that can have your attention, but only some of them are special. 

People you meet once in a lifetime 

Have you ever been afraid of losing someone? 
Not because you love them and your life could be miserable without them. Loving someone and wanting them in your life because you can’t make it without them is also selfish. 
Fearing to lose the person that made you feel more of yourself than you anytime was, is a different kind of fear.  These are people that you meet once in a lifetime. 

The people that try to make you understand that after a big noisy storm, there will be this sunlight that grows flowers, are once in a lifetime people. 
These are the people that made you invisible, when you did not want to be seen but still participated. And visible when you struggled to undress the invisible cape. 
It happens once in a lifetime, meeting people like this because sometimes you got only one shot. 

Once in a lifetime but happy every day

Being around these people makes you wonder how did they manage to be the way they are, how were they created to be this good, and make you feel like breathing better around them? 
These are the ones that made you realize that sometimes you should carry on a soul mirror. So in this way you can talk to yourself and believe in yourself. Because these people believe in you that much, that it makes you start believing in you too. They make you see the beauty inside every soul, and they make you fall in love with other things. 

People that have an impact on our lives, without any bad intentions, have a different shadow that follows them.
If you met someone that feels like once in a lifetime, congratulate yourself. They saw something very good in you that made them look like they are once in a lifetime because they think that you are once in a lifetime too. 

Once in a lifetime is a very tiny and short period of life, so make it last. 
Do not ever forget, for someone out there – you are a once in a lifetime person, and you are appreciated. 

Start your Hello trip!

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