Why do we hurt people we love, and do we do it consciously? 
There are times when loving someone the way we know, can turn out to be the wrong way. 
In this wrong way, we can hurt people around us. 

Sometimes these people can decide to tell us to stop this way of “loving.”
But, sometimes, people hesitate to shout this at you because they love you and they are afraid of speaking up.

How Do We Treat People Around Us? 

 No matter how good you are doing in life, you will always need someone by your side. People will stick around you for many reasons. Some of them have different kinds of interests towards you, some of them like your company.
And, hopefully, you have people around you that stick around because your happiness defines their happiness. These are the kind of persons that love you unconditionally. It would be best if you took care of these people.

Loving someone is not difficult, but at the same time is not easy at all. Knowing that somehow, these people are having a hard time around us is not hard to tell. If you love them, you can find it out through their actions and expressions. 

 Why Do We Hurt People We Love?

Hurting people we love hurts us back. Seeing our beloved sad makes us sad too. Sometimes we do hurt people we love, and we do that unconsciously.
It depends on our ways of living and growing up. The way we learned to love someone and to accept the love that is being given to us. 

If we have been through a lot of difficult times in our lives, suffered, missed a lot of close people. Or perhaps, we did not receive the love we thought we deserve, and this makes us stone cold. 

 How Do We Stop Being Harmful To People We Love? 

You don’t just stop hurting people. If your lifestyle has made you the person that hurts people around yourself, you will need time.
It would be best if you had healed before you try to heal people you have been hurting. 
For sure, you will need to know the amount of love you are receiving to know how much love you should spare for others. 
Convince yourself that life was not and will never be easy for anybody. 
Hurting someone can hurt you back. Seeing someone sad because of you, watching that someone is afraid of losing you can worsen your situation. 

Love isn’t something that you can take for granted. People that love you aren’t someone you should take for granted. You are not someone taken for granted by them. 
Be focused, understand people that surround you. 
Hurting people consciously or unconsciously sooner or later will hurt you back, for sure. 

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