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Black Lives Matter – “I Can’t Breathe”

Black Lives Matter – “I Can’t Breathe”

Black Lives Matter and “I Can’t Breathe” are the most important words after the death of George Floyd.  It is unbelievable that people are still choosing other people by their colors. Not only deciding who to hang around but also determining who to live and not. People have misunderstood their role in this life, and it...

Setting Free Your Mind And Stopping All Of Your Worries

Setting Free Your Mind And Stopping All Of Your Worries

Setting free your mind and stopping all of your worries is something you have to work a lot on.Mental health is essential, and people usually refuse to talk about it. People deal with different things that can perform differently in each of them.Sometimes we find it hard to sit with someone and talk about what...

Is The End Of The World Coming?

Is The End Of The World Coming?

Is the end of the world coming, and can we do something to prevent it? Many theories have been talking about the end of the world. So many written books about different catastrophes that can happen in the future, some of them already happening. Is this something we have to be afraid of? Do we need to...

Hello From The Inside

Hello From The Inside

Hello from the inside, how are you doing? It has been a while since we had a coffee, a wine, or a beer. I miss it, and I know so do you. I believe all of us miss the air that we cut while we are running to catch whatever we are late for. It hasn’t been a...

The COVID-19 Masquerade Ball

The COVID-19 Masquerade Ball

The COVID-19 masquerade ball isn’t as fancy as other masquerade balls we have been used to seeing. A masquerade ball is that one party you attend well dressed up, with a mask that covers all of your face, or only a part of it. So here we are, globally attending a masquerade ball, that we didn’t plan...

Once This Quarantine Is Over…

Once This Quarantine Is Over…

Once this quarantine is over, we are all starting over.I believe this is an extremely great opportunity for all of us to start a new life. Have you been doing great even before this? Well, good for you. Make that greater. Reflect on yourself and the people who surround you. Be close to your relatives, even closer. That...

How To Surprise Your Partner

How To Surprise Your Partner

How to surprise your partner and make their day? An easy thing to do. Sometimes relationships go through some weird period, and then they become all fun again. It always happens, some days are rainy, and others are sunny.  Are you in a relationship with someone who makes you happy? Is your partner someone you want to...

People You Meet Once In A Lifetime

People You Meet Once In A Lifetime

People you meet once in a lifetime are people you should keep by your side. Everyone you will meet in your life will leave something behind. If not feelings, they will leave memories. And memories are also remembering their face, smell, and the melody of their voice.   Although, there are people that leave tracks behind and...

Why Do We Hurt People We Love

Why Do We Hurt People We Love

Why do we hurt people we love, and do we do it consciously? There are times when loving someone the way we know, can turn out to be the wrong way. In this wrong way, we can hurt people around us.  Sometimes these people can decide to tell us to stop this way of “loving.”But, sometimes, people...